I got a new face.

Today was the day.

I got my mole removed. I say removed, it’s still half there and I’ll have to go back in about 6 weeks to get another lot of surgery.

I was originally told that I would be left with around a 5cm scar on my face along with marks from the stitches, not ideal.

I did my research and found a technique that is effectively like burning skin, they specialise in it at Harley Street, it was expensive but considering it’s my face I saw it as more on an investment.

Now to say I’ve been stressed for the past week on the lead up to what would be for me a new kind of face, I mean I’ve had that mole nearly my whole life, it’s a part of me now. Not now.

The procedure was mainly painless, the anaesthetic did a good job, the smell of the burning however was horrific!

Like a smoky barbecue sort of thing!

This story has a point to it, other than people pointing out there’s something different about my face, which I’m sure will be getting said for a while, I’ve got to get used to seeing a slightly different reflection in the mirror. My Face ID didn’t work at first (lol).

I was bullied for YEARS at school over the mole on my face, people used to shout ‘moley moley moley’ across the playground.

Someone named it Steve once and used to shout it across the classroom.

I almost had it removed in year 8 because the bullying was too much.

Kids are nasty man!

Now I think about it I should have probably told someone I was getting bullied back then, but I was kind of shy I never wanted to cause a problem.

People are different no one looks the same and beauty isn’t skin deep.

I’m going to be rocking a scabby kind of dented face look until the full healing process has come around but you know, it could be a lot worse.

I noticed the change in my mole very early and the surgeon said I’d done so well at coming when I did as the growth would have got so much worse it could’ve doubled in size in a year, considering it’s my face that is quite a large amount!!

Staying out the sun for the next 8 weeks, putting cream on every few hours, no make up and plastering suncream on my face is only a really little thing compared to what could have happened.

So I’ll leave with a parting note, always wear suncream on your face, and please don’t point out someone has a scab on their face.

See you soon!

@Felicityrosina ❤️

ps. The before and after photo will come soon, I’m going to wait until it’s fully healed first.

Lifestyle choices…

People like to ask me how i afford my lifestyle, let me tell you, at the moment i don’t live beyond my means.

Someone said to me the other day, oh you can’t afford that but you can buy a new car, first of all, forgot other people were allowed to have opinions on what you do with your money, second of all, i couldn’t do what i do without a car, i live in the forest it’s hard to get places, it’s a half hour walk to the nearest bus stop.

I started work again today for the first time since i got back from Ibiza, i feel like i’m a different person to who i was last time i worked in England, i have more of a hustle and i want to work for the lifestyle i want. I think it’s easy to look at someones life especially with how much time we all spend online these days and think “i wish that was me” trust me, i’ve done it. But you never look at the background of how the person got to where they are now.

I for one am guilty of trying to walk before I can run, I tend to have this lifestyle in my head that I want, but forget I have to work to get there.

So here we are, here’s the not so glam bit. I work 3 jobs now, not because I need too but because I want too, the more money I save now, the more I can do with it after.

Money comes and goes but opportunities won’t, if I got the chance to travel at the drop of a hat I’d be able to do that because I’d have money saved up, so for now while I’m in one place it makes sense for me to earn as much money as I can.

Working 9-5 jobs isn’t me, the last time I worked in an office I used to find any excuse to make tea just so I could down more water and get toilet breaks.

I actually went to a job interview the other day and the person asked me why I wanted the job, I replied with, I don’t, I like eating out and I need money to do that. Me being cheeky got me the job.

I should get an award for never walking out of a job interview unemployed, being cheeky gets you a long way, be careful though, there is a fine line between cheeky and rude.

People that say they hate their job, or that work is boring, are boring people. There is a funny side to every job if you take the time to find it. I’m not saying me working in retail is glam life 101 but I get to chat to people all day and just hang up clothes a few days a week, life could be worse.

Imagine if someone told you you’d never have to work another day in your life, or you had the option of working a job that you help people a few days a week for some money on the side. You’d probably think ah yeah I never want to work again. Let me tell you, you’d get bored, I was technically unemployed for 3 weeks and I was BORED. Some days I’d struggle to wash my hair and get dressed, but in a strange way it’s motivated me.

I want to work now, I want some entertainment and some times I’d like to have that little kick to get me out of bed.

If you really struggle to just get dressed it’s time to step back and reassess your life.

What you waiting for, go chase the dream job, come join me in a few years sipping cocktails on a boat somewhere sunny.

Go go go!

Also, If any of you are interested in receiving an email regarding ebook release/email list slide right on into my dms with your email address and I’ll get back to you!

See you soon ❤️


One week back in the UK.

I’ve been home a week.

That week went quickly, like i blinked and it’s gone.

A few observations since i’ve been back, everyone still does the same thing everyday, nothing has changed, the people in the pub still sit on the same chairs for the same amount of time everyday.

Now i went back into where i used to work the other day and i sat there and thought this is why i can never just be average, i wasted a good 4 years there getting shouted at by drunk people and hating my job. I mean i complained about it more than people are complaining about the heatwave we’ve got going on.

I’m enjoying chilling at the moment and just relaxing, the last few weeks i was in Ibiza i was stressed, tired and constantly aggy, i actually woke up this morning and thought to myself oh this is what it feels like to not be tired so i’m doing something right!

I bought a new car. A brand new Audi A1. Ever since i learnt to drive i wanted an A1 and 7 years later here i am.

All those people that said i was boring for saving my money in Ibiza, who’s laughing now, i got a new whip from my savings for the past 3 years, the same savings i paid for my australia and bali trips.

Also, the guy from sydney (if you’ve been with me from the beginning you know what i’m talking about) it’s now 8 months down the line, where did 8 months go!

If you don’t know. Do your research and read down the early blogs.

Another point since i’ve got back, the amount of people that constantly feel the need to tell me i’ve lost weight. Of course i’ve lost weight, i haven’t trained in nearly 3 weeks so my muscle mass is kind of fading, i was eating 2 small meals a day for the last 2 weeks i was away because i was so stressed and tired i was living off coffee and sweets (dont try it at home) and i was wearing a swimming costume at work that hid no sins when it came to mild over eating…

Well observed guys the weight will go back on i’m trying to slowly increase my calories because the problem i’m currently having is i’m always full up.

ANYWAY! Starting some very exciting things over the next few weeks so i gotta keep my head down.

I’d love to hear what you guys would like me to write about in my very first ebook though.

I’ve got the basics down but i want to make it interesting!

Slide in the dms and let me know!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine.

See you soon ❤️


Felicity’s coming home…

Obviously I’m in the airport again writing this, I always seem to be good at writing when i’m sitting at a boarding gate waiting.

This time I’m not off on some exotic adventure, well I keep hearing that England has tropical temperatures so maybe I’ll call England exotic for now.

People keep asking me how i’m feeling, and when I say i’m fine they sound surprised.

If I was upset about leaving it wouldn’t be the right time for me to go, i’m not upset therefore in my head I know I’ve made the right choice.

Leaving my friends and saying bye was hard, of course it was, but my genuine friends I know I’ll see again.

You meet a lot of people doing seasons and you can pick a handful of people you’ll see again the rest are just people you speak too on the day to day and chat about nothing in particular.

Yesterday it hit me that I would do a lot more for other people than they’d do for me, which doesn’t make me a bad person, just made me think I need to reevaluate my friends.

Sitting at the airport after nearly having to pay 120 euros for my overweight luggage, lol sorry about me. Booked 35kg, ended up with 49kg. I made a joke and said to the guy, wait let me unpack I’ll wear it all and he wasn’t having any of it, in the end I said shut your eyes and press those buttons and he laughed and said okay but shh, and the girl that was standing with him went, you look like a nice person and you smiled at us this morning, no one else has smiled at us today.

How sad is that, they’ve been at work for hours and not one person has cracked a smile!

Off to test drive a car tomorrow, watch the last James Smith live event in London at the weekend then the hard work starts, if you haven’t got hustle you’ve got nothing so let’s go go go go.

Also next time someone asks me why I left this season early i’m going to say “If it’s not a Fuck Yes, It’s a No”

On that note, I’ll be back doing these on the regular and I’ve just started writing my ebook!

Subscribe to the blogs, follow me on insta, let’s all have a massive party and celebrate life, etc etc etc.


See you soon,

@Felicityrosina ❤️

End of a chapter…

So, let me tell you about the worst but maybe best day of my life.

I’ve made some very hard decisions in the past few weeks, hard because it meant my life was about to take a 360.

I went home for 4 days for a little visit, that visit made me realise Ibiza isn’t for me anymore. I’ve actually outgrown my time there and for me as a person to grow i needed out.

I sat in an uber to the airport and cried the whole way, the driver must have thought oh god what’s wrong with her, let me tell you hun i’m having a mild breakdown.

I was about to go back to the place i’ve been lucky enough to call home for 3 summers and basically turn around and say i quit.

I quit doesn’t make me a bad person, it actually made me a better one for making a decision for myself not for other people.

I go to Ibiza because i can save money quickly, but let me tell you, money means nothing if you’re unhappy. I’d rather cry in an uber than in a ferrari if it meant i was happier.

So here i am, working my notice until i fly home and try make something of myself.

I mean no disrespect to anyone when i say this but working abroad is fun, i loved it, but when i realised that i’d spent two and a half years growing up and learning about myself, no one else around me had that, i was one up because i had finally learnt what kind of person i wanted to be.

There is a guy called Tim Ferris and i recently read a few quotes by him, one really stuck with me so here it is…

“You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.”

I have alot of people that i wouldn’t say i’m friends with, they’re more associates, i could count on the fingers of both my hands the people that impact my life in a positive way and the rest are either nothing or negative.

Now i see you all thinking ah but you have such a fun life, my life is fun i can’t deny that, but you have to remember my instagram is the highlight reel, i get sprayed with champagne at work, the pics look cool, the reality is you’re sticky and you smell like cat piss, i got to dress as a bunny, made people talk to me like a piece of meat for a day. Again highlight reel with the photos. When i get home i’ve got to have the mole on my face removed, definitely not part of the highlight reel.

You see people have a perception of a life you live but have no idea how you’re feeling inside.

Going to enjoy my last few weeks here then back to square one, back to learning how to hustle for what i want.

Ps, If anyone wants to give me a job that would be great. I’m funny and i’m good at making tea.

See you soon ✈️
