I got a new face.

Today was the day.

I got my mole removed. I say removed, it’s still half there and I’ll have to go back in about 6 weeks to get another lot of surgery.

I was originally told that I would be left with around a 5cm scar on my face along with marks from the stitches, not ideal.

I did my research and found a technique that is effectively like burning skin, they specialise in it at Harley Street, it was expensive but considering it’s my face I saw it as more on an investment.

Now to say I’ve been stressed for the past week on the lead up to what would be for me a new kind of face, I mean I’ve had that mole nearly my whole life, it’s a part of me now. Not now.

The procedure was mainly painless, the anaesthetic did a good job, the smell of the burning however was horrific!

Like a smoky barbecue sort of thing!

This story has a point to it, other than people pointing out there’s something different about my face, which I’m sure will be getting said for a while, I’ve got to get used to seeing a slightly different reflection in the mirror. My Face ID didn’t work at first (lol).

I was bullied for YEARS at school over the mole on my face, people used to shout ‘moley moley moley’ across the playground.

Someone named it Steve once and used to shout it across the classroom.

I almost had it removed in year 8 because the bullying was too much.

Kids are nasty man!

Now I think about it I should have probably told someone I was getting bullied back then, but I was kind of shy I never wanted to cause a problem.

People are different no one looks the same and beauty isn’t skin deep.

I’m going to be rocking a scabby kind of dented face look until the full healing process has come around but you know, it could be a lot worse.

I noticed the change in my mole very early and the surgeon said I’d done so well at coming when I did as the growth would have got so much worse it could’ve doubled in size in a year, considering it’s my face that is quite a large amount!!

Staying out the sun for the next 8 weeks, putting cream on every few hours, no make up and plastering suncream on my face is only a really little thing compared to what could have happened.

So I’ll leave with a parting note, always wear suncream on your face, and please don’t point out someone has a scab on their face.

See you soon!

@Felicityrosina ❤️

ps. The before and after photo will come soon, I’m going to wait until it’s fully healed first.

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